© Netzwerk Fahrradfreundliches Falkensee/Lennart Meyer

Critical Mass Falkensee

Critical Mass is a peaceful protest, that was founded in the early 90s in San Francisco. Cyclists met up without any centralized organisation, drove through the city on a spontaneous route and drew attention to their concerns with their concentrated presence. The essence of the Critical Mass is that they don't shut down or blockade the traffic. The Critical Mass is the traffic: without the noice of the engines, without emmissions, powered by the force of your muscles.

This idea now ispired groups worldwide to meet up monthly to a >Ride<. 1997 was the first Critical Mass in Berlin. What started with 20 participants back then grew to thousands of cyclists nowadays.

April 2018 was the first ride in Falkensee - with 80 participants it was a first success! Ever since then we meet up on the second friday of the month and ride through Falkensee together.

There is no party, organisation or religion behind the Critical Mass-Movement. What unites us is the belief in the mode of transportation. The Critical Mass shows how the greatness and diversity of the cyclists in the town. From young to old, with Dutch bike or road bike, with children's trailer - everyone is welcome. Whoever wants to, rides along and brings his friend.

All participants are asked to follow road traffic regulations. There are also other rules we will tell you upfront. For our security the solidarity between the cyclists is key. We ask the other road users for patience. The Critical Mass is not dangerous, nor do the participants want to expose themselves to danger.